Hey there American peoples! It's Memorial Day (not to be confused with "Mammorial Day" which occurs only in porn). It is a day to not be at work - gets full points right there, really - and remember stuff. I'm not sure what stuff but I think it's to do with wars and servicemen and veterans and people no longer with us and I probably should not make light of it at all, however, since this is me and I don't see a blue moon, I probably will anyway.
Here are some random things I remember:
The time the Evil Queen and myself superglued Mr. Panty Waist's stapler to his desk so he had to staple all day at a really weird angle.
One afternoon spent drinking red, white and blue margaritas on July 4th and having a blue tongue the rest of the day
Hiding from Daleks when I was little.
Driving in a convertible over the Golden Gate Bridge on a sunny day
Living here in lower Manhattan on September 11th 2001
Getting drunk before my band played a show, tripping over a cord and falling off the stage onto my ass (And no, I don't have a donkey)
The first time I got on my moped I accidentally twisted the grip and shot across the road into a fence at the speed of light. Well, OK, 30MPH. It FELT fast. The only thing injured was my dignity. And the framed photo of Bill O'Reilly I carry with me at all times. Well one of those things, anyway.
Would you like a pie for Memorial Day? Your wish is my command. Here's one I just baked especially.