Monday, March 24, 2008

What's So "Good" About Monday?

I have spent the entire morning making an org chart in PowerPoint that makes no sense to me whatsoever. For a start, the Uberlord presented me with a hand scrawled version of what he wanted first thing before I'd inhaled any sort of caffeinated product to calm my nerves and judging by the fact it looks like it may possibly have been written by a skittish monkey with the DT's I'm not at all sure he's going to get what he is expecting. It took me half an hour to realize that the rather awesome category of "North American Pies" was actually "North American Pres." meaning "president". My version is always better. I was completely disappointed to discover that there are no pies being represented on the chart at all. I've reviewed the situation, however, and I think I'll live.

He also gave me a bio with his photo on that I am sorely tempted to Photoshop in a ludicrous manner and post, however I am evil but I am not stupid. Usually. Well now and then. OK most days, actually.

Anyway, I had a rather emotionally crazy weekend at the Animal Hospital with my cat and now think I deserve a stiff shot of tequila.

Well this was nice and brief wasn't it?