It has come to my attention that when someone tells you they will be in Friday morning but must leave at 1pm, then proceed to still be here at 4:15pm, that I get quite cranky. Especially when said Uberlordian entity is all frazzled and insane (no change there) and demanding in a way that makes me want to test the solidity of his head with a plank. I knew today would be insane but urgh.
1) No I cannot demand Delta fly into a totally different airport in Moscow
2) I can not find you a first class seat when there is no first class even ON the flight
3) I have no fucking idea what the problem is with Hong Kong
4) If the Russians will not allow anyone through security to help you through customs I CAN NOT MAKE THEM. Besides they have like...kalishnikovs. And they'd totally use them
5) If you have to wait in line for an hour at their customs and immigration then you have to do it. I can't change their damn commie rules or slip a wad in someone's pocket on your behalf
6) When you force the adapter into the port on your Blackberry, the wrong way up and destroying the little wires inside, rendering the Blackberry completely useless, the Telecom guys will laugh at you and call you a schmuck, there is no way around this, it's a fact of life.
Drinking at work should be legal just for days like this.
Yeah vent over. How are you guys anyway?