Thursday, June 19, 2008
Psychotic Secretary is undergoing maintenance at present - we will be up again in July and available for all. Seriously, we won't even make you take your shoes off to come in!
* "we" = "me"
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Today's Grievance
I'm pretty sure any day soon he will request a list of all his lists so he doesn't get confused, at which point I will print out every list on my hard drive, compile them into one mondo-document in a giant 5" plastic binder and beat him over the head with it.
Then I might make him a list of all the local hospitals.
Seriously though, anyone using Times New Roman out of choice should have boiling oil poured on their Netherlands. It's not a sexy font. It's a default, ugly, plain fault. It's like that boring nougat centered chocolate that's always left last in the box. It's the last kid picked for the dodgeball team. I will allow Arial if you MUST, but please. Have some respect. Times New Roman is for losers. Verdana is perfectly acceptable for a plain, everyday fault - clean, sans-serif, pleasing on the eye. Century Gothic works and Tahoma is ok and Trebuchet is pretty for a plain font. If you must have a serif go with Georgia or something. Or get old school freaky with some Courier New just to mess with people's heads. Get a life people! Times New Roman is the Devil's font.
And by "Devil" I totally mean Uberlord.
You know what happens to people who use Times New Roman every day? They end up writing blog entries about fonts. Let this be a lesson.
No, there is no chart today. You are SO demanding!
Monday, June 9, 2008
* Also, I'm being bad over at the 'Stache today. Come on over! There's free beer. And like...little cocktail sausages on sticks.

Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Here are some random things I remember:
The time the Evil Queen and myself superglued Mr. Panty Waist's stapler to his desk so he had to staple all day at a really weird angle.
One afternoon spent drinking red, white and blue margaritas on July 4th and having a blue tongue the rest of the day
Hiding from Daleks when I was little.
Driving in a convertible over the Golden Gate Bridge on a sunny day
Living here in lower Manhattan on September 11th 2001
Getting drunk before my band played a show, tripping over a cord and falling off the stage onto my ass (And no, I don't have a donkey)
The first time I got on my moped I accidentally twisted the grip and shot across the road into a fence at the speed of light. Well, OK, 30MPH. It FELT fast. The only thing injured was my dignity. And the framed photo of Bill O'Reilly I carry with me at all times. Well one of those things, anyway.
Would you like a pie for Memorial Day? Your wish is my command. Here's one I just baked especially.

Friday, May 16, 2008
Lady of Leisure
OK, so technically I do have a headache and cramps too (you don't have to read that part, gentlemen, oh wait, you already did!) so that sort of constitutes being "sick", no? It's also pissing down with rain in New York City and that's reason enough for me. I'd hate to get wet. "I'm melting, I'm meeeeeelting..."
Plus, my good entertainment buddy isn't around today to keep me busy and laughing in an Uberlord-free work day and what am I supposed to do - entertain myself? Pffft! Not damn likely.
What I'm going to do is, go back to bed in about five minutes for a nap, get up, eat lunch (grilled cheese sounds pretty good), do something productive (I haven't decided what yet, ok, I'm working on it.) and maybe have another nap for balance. What a happy, rested and delightfully sane Guv'ner I will be by the day's end at which time I will proceed to procure snacks and alcohol and watch stuff that's been piling up on my DVR since November, while sprawling on the couch. Ah good times. Uberlord free, fancy good times.
Admit it, you're all jealous of my leisurely day aren't you?
I might fit caffeine in somewhere. And possibly beer. You know, at different times...
I'd make a pie chart to demonstrate all this but you know what? I can't be assed. You'll live.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Do Not Fuck With The Guv'ner
Talking of work, I've been trying to pull this meeting together for weeks that involves ten people all situated in different parts of the world. Naturally, all these people are 'muy importado' and expect the meeting to revolve around their particular needs, forgetting everyone else involved is equally important and absolutely as needy. This always turns into one ginormous clusterfuck of nuclear proportions filled with passive aggressive office politics that makes me want to take everyone out back, line them up against the wall and shoot them in the head. Quite honestly, I'd get more done if they were all lying in a pool of blood in the courtyard. Well let's face it, I wouldn' t have to schedule that meeting for a start.
Ok, I maybe wouldn't kill them but I'd definitely enjoy tasering (tasing?) their genitals.
I'd spare this one guy though. This guy, no matter when I email everyone for information or to give instructions for something - no matter what it is, this one guy always responds promptly with the exact information required. He's like a ninja, with his finger on the pulse. No sooner does my email drop onto his inbox than his finger is on the dial to call me or he fires back a response. That guy is awesome. Or in love with me, I don't know.
Oh wait, I just saw my crazy hair in the mirror and conclude that no, he's definitely just diligent.
He's the only one though. I have to threaten to castrate people or boil their babies to get answers normally. Or people contact me giving totally the wrong information that I didn't ask for.
And of course when people do respond correctly, none of them actually ever AGREE on a date or time or location. So it's pointless. A bit like this blog entry. Well not pointless exactly, there IS a chart:
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Come join in the fun!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Brain Melt
And they were.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Guv'ner Is Not Insane
My Gmail account today had a header at the top of the page with the link to a quiz called "Are You Insane?" I have no idea why they thought to place that there because normally those headers are related to the stuff entering your inbox and your basic personality.
I figure that the thing that enters my inbox most, apart from enticements about making my tallywhacker bigger and 'cease and desist' orders, are comments from you people, hence where the "insane" part comes in. Thanks a lot people! Now I have a reputation at gmail for being slightly south of barking mad. At least it replaced the blurbs about Afroman that were there before. Believe me you don't want to know the reasoning behind that...
Naturally, I had to try this quiz, if only to prove I am clearly not insane in any manner.

I take issue with this quiz, because I answered those stupid questions completely rationally and in a sober, thoughtful manner and seemingly this is the thanks I get.
Plus, I know I passed the test because once I realized they were blackmailing me to sign up for all kinds of nasty offers and shit before they'd give me my score, I tried to close it down and then they got all panicky and were like, "Oh Guv, here is your rating, please don't go, the real quiz was that if you went through all those crazy sign-up pages just to find out if you were insane or not, then clearly YOU ARE VERY INSANE INDEED, PROBABLY MICHAEL JACKSON WARP FACTOR 8, HOWLING AT THE MOON, BATSHIT CRAZY, therefore, we're happy to inform you that you pass as merely 'weirdly unusual'".
Those fuckers.
Monday, May 5, 2008
The End of the World is Nigh
He spent the day having meetings, catching up with the state of global affairs with our client and other such noble things, while I spent mine transcribing documents, doing a boatload of expenses and trying not to kill him. Which is harder than it sounds!
I actually accomplished a lot of mundane crap I'd been putting off forever and managed the complicated chore of eating something called a "Big Turk" (yes, his name was Mustafa and he smelled like falafel and anti-American decay) so the day ended on a high note after all. My motto is quite simple: No chocolate, no point.
I do actually alter that motto depending on mood. "No cheese, no point" is another one. "No tequila, no point"? Goes without saying.
"No flow chart, no point" is yet another of my favorites. Which brings me neatly to this piece of crap:
It's a sad state of affairs really.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Checking In
One thing I am not enjoying is the daily slew of needy Uberlord emails asking me to arrange future trips for which, as usual, he sends no real details, his asking me to schedule hair appointments, have cars pick up his wife and have a minion clad with a silk sponge to wipe his arse upon his return. I mean I am NOT HERE TO WORK, Uberlord, are you delusional? This is supposed to be two weeks of you-free time where I get to relax and create mayhem. You are eating into my me-time. Do I call you in Europe every day asking you to send me croissants? No!
I'm having weird memory issues today. I found some stuff I did yesterday (?) and have no recollection of completing, but it is complete therefore, I must've been half asleep and under the impression I was supposed to work. I was quite clearly insane at the time (working when the UL is away? Please.) I was almost as confused as the time at my old job when I switched around several of the keys on Mr. Panty Waist's keyboard after suffering a stupendously unreasonable day with the giant tool. The old assmuncher was in a state of flux for weeks, trying to email people using & instead of @.
Damn, it was awesome.
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Guv'ner Is A Touch Delirious
I leaped out of bed like I was being chased by a fire-breathing dragon. "How can it be TEN O'CLOCK???" I yelled to the cat, who knows a potentially volatile situation when she sees it and therefore went into a sort of Def Con emergency mode and fled under the bed.
I would like to say my alarm didn't bother going off, however as I use my phone as an alarm and I woke up clutching it in my sweaty palm, I'd wager it probably did and I decided to deactivate its noisy ass and go back to sleep. Jesus.
At least there's no Uberlord around this week to know. I am, however, dopey as all hell, feel like I have a major hangover and when I called British Airways upon arrival at work to ask for some information for my less Uberlordian boss, I hung up and realized I didn't understand a single thing they said and had to call them back to ask them again. Oops. This calls for a flow chart:

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Free To Do What I Want, Any Old Time
- Arrive late with a giant bedraggled bedhead and put my feet on the desk? (ha ha, this doesn't count because I do this every day)
- Play loud music while drinking coffee and playing Spider Solitaire (Four Suits - you ain't dealing with no amateur, foe)?
- Grin at people in a most demonic and (un?)customary manner until someone calls security?
- Make prank calls?
- Blog?
- Make copious amounts of Pie charts about trivial nonsense because why should today be any different?
- Nap on couch (again)?
The world is my oyster for the next couple of weeks and if there's a pearl in it anywhere I aim to find it. For example what does the Uberlord keep in all those cabinets of mystery in his office? Top shelf liquor? A revolver? A ball gag? His Penthouse collection? I'm going to find out!
There is also a pretty fair chance I am going to play racquet ball in there with a whiffle ball set while commentating out loud to imaginary TV audiences about my superior racquet skills as the ball bounces off his $500 framed golfing photo.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Today's Announcement
I think you all know my affinity for PowerPoint by now, although usually I prefer to use it in a decidedly non-corporate manner (yes really!). One thing has been bothering me today however, and feel free to fill me in on the answer to this mystery so I can dutifully ignore you, because I actually don't care:

There was no point at all to this entry but I dedicate it to Gnugs for making me feel guilty about not posting and making the world a better all round place. Thanks Gnugs.
I hope you all have a splendiferous weekend filled with....cake?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Guv'ner Debates
Friday, April 11, 2008
Slice of Sanity Pie
Naturally, instead of this state of bliss, I have had four thousand things to do all of equally annoying status. I have planned, mapped, reserved and procured flights, hotels and excursions up the wazoo only to have to change them all several times as his Royal Highness is flighty and keeps an idea in his head about the same amount of time as it takes Britney to home in on a Twinkie.
Things I have discovered about myself this week:
- I hate Switzerland, the neutral, chocolate-loving, Jewish-Money-Taking, "Can't decide what fucking language to speak" bastards.
- I don't much care anymore if some spoiled prima donna has to change planes in Miami to get back to NYC. They can suck it and at 4am when they're in Miami International Airport and I'm tucked in my warm bed snoring, I'm going to sleep with one middle digit fully extended.
- No one in the travel department answers the phone anymore when I call. They have caller ID. Even THEY hate the Uberlord. Or wait...maybe they hate ME?
- .....nah! That's ridiculous, I AM CRAZY-AWESOME.
- I am invincible and delusional
- I like cheese sandwiches a hell of a lot (I already knew this actually!)
The little sanity I have left will be spent this evening drinking what's left of the margarita bucket in my fridge. Yes, I said "bucket". You can all just deal with it.
Hope you all have a finger lickin' good weekend, my peeps.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Plug That Bitch
Until then, today is my day over at The Stash and I'm attempting to teach you heathens something academic and intelligent (and blatantly untrue). Come on over and find out the true story of Joan of Arc. And yes you are correct, I totally forgot it was that time already and had nothing more juicy prepared. Bite me.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Mondays Are Hereby Illegal
...Although what would you do with that? Is there somewhere you can cash-in bullion for like...dollars, or do you have to melt it down in your garage and trade it to a Mexican druglord named El Jefe, for heroin? Either way it sounds complicated and might involve much money laundering and shenanigans.
I knew however, that I would come in today to a positive influx of Uberlord emails from the other side of the world, demanding I do vague things he can't be bothered explaining or complaining about things I already did that weren't to his liking. And I have to say I was not disappointed.
OK, I WAS disappointed - I'm constantly disappointed - but I was right. A dozen emails featuring instructions to do things that weren't explained in any cohesive manner and emails not written in complete sentences. This is no way to start a week when you've had three hours sleep. I have a good mind to send one email back saying "LA LA LA can't HEAR YOU".
Anyway, he pissed me off enough to make an Uberlordian Venn Diagram:

I feel so much better now.
Friday, April 4, 2008
A Quick Pointless Vent
1) No I cannot demand Delta fly into a totally different airport in Moscow
2) I can not find you a first class seat when there is no first class even ON the flight
3) I have no fucking idea what the problem is with Hong Kong
4) If the Russians will not allow anyone through security to help you through customs I CAN NOT MAKE THEM. Besides they have like...kalishnikovs. And they'd totally use them
5) If you have to wait in line for an hour at their customs and immigration then you have to do it. I can't change their damn commie rules or slip a wad in someone's pocket on your behalf
6) When you force the adapter into the port on your Blackberry, the wrong way up and destroying the little wires inside, rendering the Blackberry completely useless, the Telecom guys will laugh at you and call you a schmuck, there is no way around this, it's a fact of life.
Drinking at work should be legal just for days like this.
Yeah vent over. How are you guys anyway?
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Back On The Chain Gang
1) Got in an hour late because I could.
2) Sent an urgent fax to someone 1600 miles away suggesting they hand deliver me a soda in return for a giant Guv'ner sized hug in the off-chance my sweet talking actually can control people and give me ideas for future world domination.
3) Changed some travel arrangements to Rio that were previously to Sao Paulo when the Uberlord realized that Rio and Sao Paulo are actually different places and Brazil is not one big city.
4) Realized I'd left all my money on the dresser at home and had to buy coffee with nickels. Again.
5) Received email from faxee calling me an "ass".
6) Talked to several severely surly people about spreadsheets.
7) Commenced slacking.
8) Lunch.
I know, you're delighted I told you this. Well you are WELCOME.